Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Introduce Of AMDAL-KPSN

Analysis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan ( AMDAL) is independent environment organization, non-profit and center in town Batam.
AMDAL is the civil society group forum consisting of the activist – the environment activist founded on 25 October 1999 as reaction and concern to the unbalanced in management of resources natural and source of life, in consequence of unbiased development processes and paradigm continue and justice.
AMDAL do the area campaign with various other area network which have is same concern to unbalanced environment

Vision AMDAL is the presentation of it a social formation, economics, and democratic and fair politics able to guarantee the people rights of life sources and healthy environment.

AMDAL-KSPN Background
AMDAL consciousness’ tendency of damage of active environment progressively complex and either in rural and urban. Ugly of environment condition is openly confessed influence the social dynamics of politics and social of society economics either in community storey level, regional, and national.
In turn environment crisis is directly menace comfort and improve the life susceptance each every citizen. Damage of environment have attended in our houses, be like rare of cleanness water, contamination of air and water, dryness and floods, and also energy which is costly progressively. Who do be in control of damage of difficult environment becoming ascertained because cause of him alone each other interdependent of good between sector, between actor, between institution, between region is and even inter-states.
To guarantee to continue life of generation come to be required by the X the strong social movement and extend. Generation come is entitled to of healthy and good environment. For that generation is now responsible maintain and improve the better environmental quality.

Elementary Mission Value and AMDAL
AMDAL is network advocate of independent environment to realize society formation and fair formation of environment and also democratic.
AMDAL trust of competent and healthy environment rights is human right.
AMDAL high majoring of justice gender, society rights marginal and life being rights.
AMDAL trust of environment movement have to round into the social movement which major the solidarity, actions confrontative the creativeness and nonviolence.
AMDAL democratic organizational trust, open, hold responsible and professional will be able to protect the society rights and continue the environment

Become Public Organization :Go to Strong Social Movement
Become Public Organization : Go to social movement which Strength Mount damage of environment in this time have generated social problem be like neglecting of people basic rights of life sources and healthy environment, marginality , and a poor . For the reason, problem of environment have to be seated as social problem.
So that environment movement require to transformation become the social movement which entangle entire/all society component be like labored , farmer, fisherman, teacher, professional clan, young man, adolescent, children, and woman clan.
Realize the challenge, organization AMDAL have turned into the public organization which don't only have organizational member is self-supporting non institute and government of society. Organizational of the public give the maximal opportunity to enthusiastic and care civil involve and also support the environment movement in Indonesia. This matter aim to push acceleration of environment movement become the social movement which wide.
public Civil public and can now join to become the Friend member AMDAL and involve active inlay effort saving of environment in Indonesia

Strategic Issue AMDAL
Strategic Issue AMDAL
. 1. AMDAL Independence
. 2. Arrange the Good governance and Clean
. 3. Develop; Build resistance people fight against neo-imperialism ( new colonization)

What is especial activity AMDAL?
Problems of environment each other related/relevant and have affected big to human life in the form of a poor, injustice and downhill of him of is quality of human life.
As solution, saving of environment have to become a public movement.
As public organization, AMDAL continue to cope :
. * Become the organization populist, inclusive and fraternize.
. * Become the organization account sue and transparent.
. * Manage the knowledge collect it to pick aback strive saving of done by the X environment of member and him network and public.
. * Become sourcess idea, creativity and router generation leadership in saving of environment.
. * Look after the real support from various society element.
. * Sharply focus and priority in managing Champagne and advocacy to various issue:
. 1. Contamination Of Water Effect of Industrial disposal
. 2. Forest and Plantation
. 3. Energy and Mine
. 4. Coastal area and Sea
. 5. The Urban Issue

How is AMDAL Institute ?
As forum, AMDAL embrace the democratic governance system with principle account to sue and transparent. In national storey; level, Executive National run the organizational national programs, whereas the institute is representation entire/all member to run the legislative function referred council National.
Executive National and area selected passing the direct election. Organization chart woke up pursuant to principle Trias Political to guarantee execution of division of power and control and to avoid deviation of power.
National executive and Executive Area, Council National and Council Area and ceremony Ethic National is the part of trias political AMDAL overtaking and obligation and written in statute. To ascertain the way organization, executive director position limited maximal so twice tenure during three year.
AMDAL is in 26 province in Indonesia. All running his forum with independent, including financing and his management. In national storey; level, Executive National personate the coordinator and facilitator in activities national and international

Where from sourced of fund AMDAL?
Financing source AMDAL come from member fee, individual society contribution, and also other fund institute of local good, national and international, as long as free and don't come from the activities opposing against vision and mission and also values AMDAL. AMDAL also do the legal other efforts and don't oppose against vision- mission and also values AMDAL.
The fund is managed pursuant to correct openness principles and resposibility answer periodically to component AMDAL and to public.
Issue handled:

Executive director and Contact
Ir. Lebrata.Dta
executive director
AMDAL EKSEKUTIF NASIONAL kampong berlian no.1 batam centre batam 12790 - INDONESIA TELP: ( 0778) 475 597 Fax: ( 0778) 475 597
HP: 0812-700-5845
E-Mail: Kpsn_Lebrata@Yahoo.Co.Id

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